740-206-8522 jtesta@teci-rv.com

Q: I am full-time do I need to tell my insurance company?

Most insurance companies allow you to camp 150 days per year before considered full-time.

Full-time RVers, beware of this insurance issue
People who live in their RVs more than 150 days per year are apparently considered full-timers by many insurance companies. Full-time RVers will need to obtain a full-timers comprehensive personal liability policy. This policy will change the coverage to be similar to your home insurance. Anyone injured inside your RV can make a claim against you, and this type of coverage is designed to cover such claims. Many full-timers don’t realize they need this coverage until their insurance claims are denied because their RV is their primary residence.

Another benefit of this coverage is higher limits of insurance on the contents of your rig. You are living full-time and the rig is your home. All that “stuff” you have should be covered. Of course the policy premium depends on the size of the deductible you set up. We try to have a $500 emergency fund just to cover deductibles.

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