740-206-8522 jtesta@teci-rv.com
Recalls 2024-04-22

Recalls 2024-04-22

Your vehicle MAY be involved in a safety recall and MAY create a safety risk for you or your passengers. If left unrepaired, a potential safety defect could lead to injury or even death. Safety defects must be repaired by a dealer at no cost to you. Why am I getting...
Recalls 2024-04-22

Recalls: 2024-04-15

Your vehicle MAY be involved in a safety recall and MAY create a safety risk for you or your passengers. If left unrepaired, a potential safety defect could lead to injury or even death. Safety defects must be repaired by a dealer at no cost to you. Why am I getting...
Recalls: 2024-04-08

Recalls: 2024-04-08

Your vehicle MAY be involved in a safety recall and MAY create a safety risk for you or your passengers. If left unrepaired, a potential safety defect could lead to injury or even death. Safety defects must be repaired by a dealer at no cost to you. Why am I getting...

How to keep critters out of your RV

How to keep critters out of your RV. (1) First off plug up all the holes where propane lines, electrical lines, plumbing enter the RV from underneath using the spray foam to fill up the holes. Now something I have used in addition to the expanding foam (used this on...