740-206-8522 jtesta@teci-rv.com

How to keep critters out of your RV

How to keep critters out of your RV. (1) First off plug up all the holes where propane lines, electrical lines, plumbing enter the RV from underneath using the spray foam to fill up the holes. Now something I have used in addition to the expanding foam (used this on...

Winter Storage Tips for RV

Today we have a guest blog post by: Asen Qvorov of Camperlife.co Winter Storage Tips for RV We hope that you enjoyed a lot this summer by planning a family trip with an RV. Now it's time to keep the RV aside until next summer because winter has started. Here we are...

Internet while on the road

Q: What are some of my options to do internet while RVing? A: (as told by Brian Swartzfager : I’m a full-time RVer who works 40 hours a week - Monday through Friday during business hours - as a software developer. While I connect to work using a laptop, my workspace...

Water setup at campground

In this video we show you what I do to setup my water to city water connection at the campsite [vimeo_embed url="https://vimeo.com/438670824" autopause="true" controls="true" byline="true" portrait="true" title="true" dnt="true" playsinline="true"...

Safety Post – Tires

How many of you know what your tire code is on each of your tires. What is a tire code?  It is the "born" on date as to when that tire is manufactured, it appears on the outside of the tire BUT it only appears on one side. Depending on how the tire is mounted on the...

Propane: Refill or Swap?

1. Swapping: If it is entirely empty and you don't mind getting a different tank, go for it, BUT look on the collar to make sure it is NOT expired since if you change your mind and want to do #2 later, you'd need to get it recertified or come back here to #1. Look at...