740-206-8522 jtesta@teci-rv.com

Do you need a Surge Protector?

You will hear people who say "I've been RVing for 20 yrs and never had one" Having one is like insurance, you hope you never need it but you should pay for it anyways. The answer is:  Yes you need one, if you don't use one, and the campground pedestal gets a surge and...

What is this?

What is this? The top "valve/connection"? Some RVs have a built-in RV black tank flush system, which allows you to connect a hose directly to an inlet valve to essentially power wash your tank. ... This rinser is designed to spray water in multiple directions, in...

RV Refrigerator, how level?

Q: How level does my RV fridge have to be? A: Based on specifications from Norcold Training Manual,Off-Level Operating LimitsSide-to-Side: 3 degrees maximum tilt off from level.Front-to-Back: 6 degrees maximum tilt off from level.Most people have a level(or can get a...

Jacks under slide?

Q: Can I put jacks under my slides? A: NO never, it will mess up the slide and structure of your RV, RV body settles some and brunt of the weight is then being held by the slide, oops no give due to jack, now the slide mechanism will get messed up, seen it, helped...

Two grey tanks?

Q: It appears I have three tanks, a black and two grey tanks? What goes into each one? A: Normally 3 tanks, a black tank, and 2 grey tanks(with one known as galley tank), that being said, black is toilet and two grey tanks are for kitchen sink, bathroom sink, bathroom...

Carbon Monoxide

Q: Should I worry about CO poisoning in my RV? A: As long as you have a CO (Carbon Monoxide) detector and a propane detector you will be fine, they do have a life on them somewhere between 5-7 yrs usually, some will beep when gotten to the end of their life, some will...